OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe seminary left a good taste in the mouths of four potential students who visited on Tuesday, 18 February 2014. The day was chosen because it fell during the normal university reading week, when students were free but the seminary was still in session. One mature applicant travelled up from the Detroit area with his wife. (Three other prospects who were unable to come on this day will visit later in the month.)

The mystery of theological education was slowly revealed as our guests attended classes in Christian doctrine and preaching, and also participated in the weekly “Pericope Seminar” OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAthat models how a pastor studies a text and prepares to preach. They attended Morning Prayer in the Martin Luther chapel. At a hearty lunch, shared with 30 members of the seminary community, new friends were made over chicken, pasta–and Olympic hockey on the students’ new big screen!

If you are interested in your own tast of the seminary, please contact us about a visit. We’ll be glad to have you.

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